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Vice Mayor of Ezhou City and the Party Division of Shuanghe City of the 5th Division of Xinjiang Corps visited our company

On October 28th, Hong Weihua, the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shuanghe City Party Committee of the 5th Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, led a party and government delegation to visit Ezhou City to investigate and work in aid. Accompanied by Vice Mayor Jiang Guoxin, I went to our company for an inspection.

It is understood that since the launch of the counterpart aid work in 2018, Ezhou has fully supported the development of the five divisions of Shuanghe City, and selected 15 cadres to support the construction of Bozhou. Among them, 5 people were sent to the Eighth Squadron Support Group of Shuanghe City. The construction of the field provided strong support for the economic and social development of Shuanghe City. The aid cadres and the local people have established a deep relationship like a family.

Accompanied by Chairman Yuan Jianjun, the city leaders and members of the delegation went to the workshop to learn more about the production and operation of Hubei Xingxin, and exchanged ideas on how to integrate superior resources with our company and realize project docking.

During the inspection, Xie Shichang, the fifth division of the Xinjiang Construction Corps, sincerely invited our company to invest in the development of Shuanghe City, Xinjiang, hoping to introduce such a good product into Xinjiang and promote the development of Xinjiang.

The city leaders and delegations affirmed the development of Hubei Xingxin Technology Co., Ltd., and expressed that they should bring the learned experience back to Xinjiang and strive to promote the construction and development of the group. At the same time, Ezhou party and government leaders and entrepreneurs are also welcome to visit Xinjiang, strengthen communication and understanding, broaden the scope of cooperation, and achieve mutual complementarity, mutual benefit and common development.

Finally, Chairman Yuan clearly expressed his hope that he could set up a camp in Xinjiang. The investment and construction of the factory not only can contribute to Xinjiang's construction, but also take Xinjiang as a base to quickly enter the East Asian market, so that Tianjian products can better go abroad and move toward the country. world.
