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The general manager of our company, Yuan Jianjun, was named the provincial model worker.

Yuan Jianjun 52 years old, general manager of Shixingxin Building Materials Company. After Yuan Jianjun’s bankruptcy, he led eight laid-off workers and raised 128,000 yuan of self-raised funds to establish a private enterprise. In the past few years, he has relied on the products of the National Spark Program, such as cold-changing steel bars, to continuously improve new technologies, innovate new technologies, open up markets, and to make the company bigger and stronger step by step, becoming the largest cold-change steel production base in southeastern Hubei. At present, the company has more than 16 million yuan in fixed assets and 13 million yuan in working capital. It has absorbed 56 people from laid-off and unemployed people. He was named a re-employment star in the city. At present, the project of “wire mesh skeleton plastic (polyethylene) composite pipe production line” with a planned investment of 9 million yuan is underway. The first phase of the project is expected to be completed by the end of May 2006. The project is the first in the province and has filled the production of the province. Product blanks. In 2006, he was rated as a labor model in Hubei Province.

The above is the content of the polyethylene composite pipe manufacturer - Xingxin Technology for everyone to share, for reference only.
