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Hubei Xingxin Technology Co., Ltd. 2019 Annual Sales Conference - Innovation, openness, fine management, riding the wind and waves, and moving forward

Hubei Xingxin Technology Co., Ltd. 2019 Annual Sales Meeting

Innovative openness, fine management, riding the wind and waves, moving forward

Warmly celebrate the "2019 Annual Sales Conference of Hubei Xingxin Technology Co., Ltd." was a complete success!

Time flies, the years go by, the busy 2018 has passed, and the 2019 year is coming to us. In the new year, nurturing new goals and hopes, the industrious and intelligent Xingxin people gathered on January 17, 2019 to hold a sales annual meeting at the company's Ezhou Fenghuang Villa Hotel, summing up the past year. Achievements and shortcomings, looking forward to the direction and goals of the coming year.

Mr. Yuan Jianjun, Chairman of Hubei Xingxin Technology Co., Ltd. and other senior management personnel summarized the work of 2018 and deployed in 2019.

Chairman Yuan pointed out that the company achieved good results in 2018 and it is the result of the joint efforts of all employees. However, we still have many shortcomings. We must not slack off, we must make persistent efforts, make continuous progress, and move forward in the upcoming New Year. , create new achievements. In the new year, we must enhance the company's image, accelerate market expansion, improve team building, improve internal management system, and improve the company's overall quality and business capabilities.

After the meeting, all the participants enjoyed the company's carefully prepared dinner and watched the wonderful performance. At this point, Hubei Xingxin 2019 company sales annual meeting in a laughter, in the sincere blessings of each other came to a successful conclusion.

New journey, new hope, bless us in Hubei Xingxin 2019, ride the wind and waves, the clouds hang the sea!
